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The military base at Big-Spring was transferred and the refinery which has been the main livelihood of the town for many years, is about to close down.

A lonely hotel, towering twenty stories high is still active and the few guests seem to have been lost in time.

Between the refinery's minarets are church like spaces and dark chapels.

The few gourds- left behind until its awaited sale, seem as if they just walked out of a western movie set.

A black road crosses the town and stretches east to Louisiana's wetlands, were in a small town along the Mississippi River, the refinery functions like an oxygen machine.

In the heart of a small and sweating island, a cabin with open doors, leftover food on the table and heads pop off from the wall.

From here you can reach the pier and look at the Mississippi, the river which Uncle Tom's Cabin is reflected in its waters.

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